Monday, October 29, 2012

Once Through Childhood

Childhood is one of my greatest memories as they are for everyone... well... most of everyone...I think...  I miss being a little girl, only dreaming of the age I am now.  Being the youngest one would think that I had lots of older siblings to play with, but rather I didn't.  Since I was four years younger than Shannah it was a lot harder to play with them.  I was a pest, and I made sure to be one too.  I followed them around and made sure to be in their business. 

It wasn't all bad though, sometimes we agreed.  When the neighbor kids decided to piss one of my sisters off, I was generally the one who did the tricks- seeing as I was the youngest.  I was even sent out to moon people.  Sad as it is, that didn't last long when they threatened to tell our mom.  It was a lot of fun for me, only when I got older and realized what exactly I was doing did I get embarrassed.  I remember one time when they had me moon the neighbors, thankfully... they moved before I became a teenager. 

As a child, and being the youngest I was also pushed aside often and I learned how to play by myself.  It's also where I got my imagination, probably my greatest skill.  I noticed something while watching my eight year old play one day.  Her and I are very different.  Mercedies doesn't like to play by herself, she needs someone with her at all times or else she gets bored.  Yet when I was a child I liked being by myself -yes the occasional friend was nice but I had more adventures and ideas when I was little.  Plus there weren't others interested in the games I came up with (surprisingly I didn't decide to play dungeons and dragons when I got older, only because I would be very confused in the game haha :P ) 

So there's my childhood.  Nothing extremely tragic happened.  No mother dieing and father marrying an evil witch.  No evil queen trying to kill me off with apples (but that would be totally awesome because then I'd get to meet some dwarfs).  Just a life full of being a brat, growing with my imagination, and just being a kid.  Nothing extravagant.  Why does it matter?  Because that's what turned me into me.  It helped me grow.  It helped me achieve.  It gave me my childish ways, my little quirks, my giggles, and most important some pretty great memories that you might hear of some day. 

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